Patricia Cecil, Speaker
Specialist curator for faith, religion, and WWI at the World War I Museum and Memorial in Kansas City, MO
Faith and Camp Funston
Presentation by: Patricia Cecil
Camp Funston, located at Fort Riley near Junction City, was the largest of 16 divisional training camps built during World War I to house and train solders. Many new recruits encountered, for the first time, men from unfamiliar places, ethnicities, and religions. The camp was also the site of the first outbreak of influenza during the pandemic of 1917-1918. Existing in a unique place and time, the camp offers a look at how individual and collective responses to faith gripped the world. This talk explores the ways in which servicemen experienced and expressed faith in the camp as they prepared for war overseas.
Contact Patricia directly about speaking at your event:
(816) 888-8166
Kansas City