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Action Grants

Action Grants provide funds for responsive and meaningful projects that draw on history, literature, and culture to engage the public with stories that spark conversations.

Similar in spirit to the Humanities for All grants, Action Grants feature smaller award amounts and the benefit of no deadline schedule.


  • Share stories that explore the human experience
  • Engage people in public discussions
  • Support a thriving democracy
  • Create projects that are grounded by current scholarship and lived experiences


Types of Projects We Support

Humanities projects should draw on our history, literature, and cultures to explore a defined topic and expand our Kansas stories.

Formats include, but are not limited to, interpretive exhibitions, community conversations, town halls, panel discussions, presentations, book discussions, short films, full-length films, or podcasts. Creativity and innovation are encouraged. 

The humanities must be central to the proposal and projects must engage the general public, which primarily refers to an adult, out-of-school audience. 


What Do I Need to Apply?

  • In-state nonprofit organizations are eligible, including colleges and universities
  • 501(c)(3) status is not required
  • A Unique Entity ID (SAM) from for sub-awardees is required and must be set "public" for HK staff confirmation. 
    (This 12-digit alphanumeric ID is used to track federal funding. You do not need a full registration for HK grants; only the UEID number is required.) 
    How do you get a UEID? Follow this Quick Start Guide.  
  • NOTE: Organizations with an open HK grant from a previous cycle are ineligible until the earlier grant is finalized and closed. 


Award Amounts & Deadlines

Amount: Up to $3,500

Additional funds can be requested to assist with accessibility needs.  See the budget section for more details.

Deadline: Applications can be submitted at any time, but must be at least 6 weeks before the first event. 

If you would like staff to review the application before submitting, please see the instructions in the grant guidelines. Do not use the online grants form to submit a draft.

Grants are available as funding allows. 

Watch the 2025 Grants Chat (37 min.)

View Grant Guidelines  

Prepare a Draft


Forms for Action Grant Recipients

For more information, contact Leslie VonHolten, Director of Grants and Outreach, at or 785-357-0359.



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