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Background Image Fresh Produce: Kansas's Orchardists, Market Growers, and Truck Farmers Main Splash Image

Fresh Produce: Kansas's Orchardists, Market Growers, and Truck Farmers

Date and Time: March 14, 2023, 6:00 PM CT

Location: Troy Library, 105 N Main St, Troy
(view on google maps)

In Kansas, agriculture is king. Our roots are connected to the land and crops harvested from the soil. This talk highlights Kansas's commercial specialty crops, agriculture experimentation, horticultural "royalty" marketing, and the evolving local foods movement. Learn about Kansas's nationally known heritage apple; the crabapple king's downfall; the successful gardening secrets of freed slaves, entrepreneurs, and early suburbanites; the state's connection to exotic fruit introduction; the 1960s counterculture influence on today's market mainstays; future outlooks; and county-specific produce projection. Presented by Cindy Higgins.

Sponsored by: SLK Club

For more information about this event, please contact:
Jana Dominguez-Peuker
(816) 262-4030


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